Canada Goose Goldeneye Gadwall Green Winged Teal Canada Goose Mallard in Flight american wigdeon Northern Shoveler woodduck Northern Shoveler Blue-winged Teal Canada Goose Green-winged Teal Mallard at Hauber Farm Mottled Duck Redhead Duck Drake Redhead Ducks Northern Shoveler Swan Trumpeter Swan Woodduck with decoy Northern Pintail Mallards

Mallard at Hauber Farm


"Mallards at Hauber Farm" • 11.5" x 16" • Oil Painting

This is a special painting as it was my Grandmother's farm. This is where my Mom had grown up. I was able to visit there several times on family trips back to Ohio. There is just something about being able to explore and discover wildlife in such a beautiful setting. I still love the opportunity to go back and see the sunset on the farm fields. There is a significance to the mallards in this painting. Each of the smaller mallards is representative of my Grandmothers children.